Faye Ball set up an Instagram account - @Livinginyorkshire - documenting her favourite places in Yorkshire.

Faye, 30, lives in Sherburn In Elmet, and works as a teaching assistant. She is also a poet and author of Living In Yorkshire - a debut collection of writing that reflects love, loss, hope and happiness.

She set up her Instagram account four years ago and has more than 3,000 followers.

Faye is just one of many local people who love to celebrate our city - and share their stories and photos on the popular social media platform.

In our new regular feature in The Press, Insta Stories, people like Faye tell us about their lives in York and what makes our city special.

Here is Faye’s Insta Story...

What is your full name?

Faye Ball

What area/town do you live in?

Sherburn In Elmet

The name of your Instagram page/account?


Your age


Your occupation

Teaching assistant

When did you set up your page?

January 2018

How many followers do you have?


Why did you set it up and what is your Instagram about?

I originally set up my account to share photos of my favourite places around Yorkshire. My page quickly became more than that when I started to share my inspirational poems.

What has been your favourite post - and why?

My favourite post has to be of my book which I published last May. It became a dream to put all my poems and some of my photography and on that day in May, my dream came true!

Why is York special to you? Name three great things if you can!

York will always be a special place for me. It is the heart of Yorkshire. I love walking along the walls, the Museum Gardens and of course our beautiful minster.

What is the best thing about Instagram?

I am one of the many 30 somethings who lives alone. Life can be very lonely at times. However, through Instagram I have made some incredible friends. We are a warm community who cheer on each other's successes and who are genuinely there for one another.

What other Instagrammers do you like to follow?

@mrlukechristian for his amazing company called Deaf Identity which spread deaf awareness @lindacheunglee for educating people about beauty products and stamping out Asian hate @theyorkshirepartrige for all things Yorkshire. From independent shops to small cafes, she knows where to find them.

What is the most surprising thing that has happened to you because of Instagram?

It will always be my book! Sharing this success with my family, friends and followers will always be a highlight of mine. Appearing on BBC Radio York to talk about it was the cherry on the top.

Tips for getting the most out of Instagram?

Be honest. Make friends. Hashtag a lot. Share your face. Show your personality. Enjoy posting what you love.

Check out Faye on Instagram at - @livinginyorkshire

Share your York Insta Story - here's how

We hope you enjoyed this week's Insta Story. And we would love to hear from other people who are celebrating our city on social media. If you are a local Instagrammer who would like to tell your Insta Story and be featured in The Press, please get in touch.

You can send us your story and photos straight to our newsroom via this online form: www.yorkpress.co.uk/instagram/