CHILDREN from six schools have spoken from the heart whilst helping to make a new video being premiered this week to promote their town.

The youngsters from St Peter’s, Coppice Valley, Birstwith & Admiral Long, Oatlands, Richard Taylor, and Western, take centre stage in the Harrogate BID-funded ‘I Love Harrogate’ film, which from Wednesday is being projected onto the window of an empty Cambridge Street shop.

Paul Griffiths, head of St Peter’s Church of England Primary School, said: "We were delighted to be invited to contribute to this video, our children really enjoyed saying why they love Harrogate.

"We are very fortunate to live in Harrogate and even luckier that our school is in the middle of the town."

The aim of 'I Love Harrogate' is to capture the innocence and imagination of the young Harrogate community, hopefully giving everyone a positive and uplifting experience which will, in turn, give the town centre a greater community feel.