YOUNG people across the East Riding will go to the polls this week to elect two representatives to sit on the UK Youth Parliament.

There are 25 candidates standing for election and polling booths, ballot boxes and papers along with other polling station-related materials have been delivered to secondary schools across the region so students can create their own, realistic election day experience.

The elections are being organised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council, along with East Riding Voluntary Action Services with funding from the National Lottery, and will see young people between 11 and 18-year-old chose two candidates and two deputies to represent them on the UK Youth Parliament.

Councillor Ben Weeks, chairman of the children and young people overview and scrutiny committee at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: "This is the chance for all our young people across the East Riding to take part in the democratic process and elect two representatives to sit on the UK Youth Parliament who will be their voice and represent their views."

The two winners and the two elected deputies will be declared at an event held at Beverley Memorial Hall on Thursday March 3.

Further details can be found at: