I AGREE with a recent letter in York Press from Matthew Laverack.

He comments that we should limit the height of new buildings in York, (The Press, February 2), referring to the proposed Roman Quarter development on Rougier Street.

Of course York is not a suitable city for a ten-storey building, especially at this much-used junction near the ancient walls and York Railway Station.

Apart from the totally unsuitable tall buildings included in this proposed development, has anyone considered the noise, dirt and disruption, almost certainly for several years, which will affect local premises and traffic trying to access Rougier Street and moving on to Station Rise, Leeman Road, or Lendal Bridge?

With plans to demolish Queen Street Bridge, amend access to Leeman Road, and York Central moving forward, has anyone considered where the traffic will go?Nunnery Lane is already extremely busy at times.

Apart from the disruption to the lives of residents, this cannot encourage our much-needed tourism.

Pamela Brown,

Goodwood Grove,
