A TALENTED young writer has plans to conclude a thrilling series of books.

Mitchell Wray, 9, lives in Wistow near Selby with his mother Tanya, father Dave and younger brother Harley.

The writer recently won a Blue Peter badge for his stellar poem themed around COP-26, climate change and the effects it is having on the planet.

It is not just the poem that Mitchell has written however as he has published two books despite his young age.

The books make up the first two parts of the Songbird Saga, a planned trilogy which Mitchell aims to conclude within the first few months of this year although he doesn’t limit himself to just writing.

Mitchell said: “I’ve been writing the start and planning the structure of my book, but I’ve also been practising martial arts, piano. December has been the most active month of the year.”

Having already published ‘Songbird Saga’ and ‘Songbird Saga: Lost’, Mitchell aims to end the trilogy with a science fiction, fantasy inspired text currently utilising the working title ‘Songbird Saga: Coding Catastrophe’.

Though the trilogy will be coming to a close, Mitchell says to expect more books to come in the future.

When it comes to the distribution of the books, much of it has been done by Mitchell with the help of his parents, friends and community of his village.

Tanya said: “With the first book my husband and I printed it and started selling to friends and people in the village, then the school got involved and Mitchell started selling for £1 at a table on his lunch breaks.”

Though the first book came as something of a surprise to the school, by the time of the second book they better understood how they would be able to help.

Tanya said: “By the time of the second book, the school was prepared. It was like a well oiled machine.”

The school is also well prepared for the eventual release of Mitchell’s third book and both he and Tanya are hoping to widen the audience for his new release.

Tanya said: “We are looking at trying to set up an online site so that people can download a copy.”

The money raised by the book will be going to the school, as was the case with the previous two releases.

Mitchell said: “I do hope it’s spent on things that keep people happy.”

Whilst money is raised through students buying copies that isn’t the only way Mitchell has raised funds with his books.

The first book raised over £250 with sales and a donation of £110 from Martial Arts 4U, whilst the second book made over £750 through donations from Selby McDonalds, Drax and VPK, meaning in total the books have raised over a thousand pounds for Mitchell’s school.

There is hope that the newest book, due to be released early in 2022, may generate even more than the previous titles to contribute further to an already incredible amount raised.