VISITORS to York are being invited to contribute to a piece of ‘public art’ highlighting the threat posed by climate change.

Green campaigners have set up an art stall in Parliament Street to coincide with the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow.

Passers-by are being provided with paper and arts materials and asked to draw their own artworks. On Friday, they will be collated into a single public artwork.

“Evidence of climate change happening now is all around us...with stories of wildfires, floods, hurricanes, snowstorms in Texas and heatwaves in Siberia,” said York climate campaigner and Green Party member Ginevra House. “We want to invite members of the public to switch on, and engage with the changes we’re seeing all around us.”

There will also be a ‘York youth 4 climate strike’ in St Helen’s Square from 12-4pm on Friday, and a York March for the Climate on Saturday, leaving from York Minster at 12 noon.