CHARITY ‘Keep Your Pet’ will be holding a fundraising sale at the St Crux Church hall in Shambles on October 20.

Launched in November 2012 as a partnership between the RSPCA, Age UK York and Age UK Selby, ‘Keep Your Pet’ helps older and vulnerable people in York by looking after their pets during times of medical or other emergency, so that they can return to caring for their pet when they have recovered.

A team of local volunteers offers support ranging from dog walking, pet fostering and feeding animals to taking animals to a vet. A part-time organiser administers the scheme from the Age UK York office.

The fundraising sale, which will run from 10am-3pm, will include books, cards, Christmas cards and bric a brac, as well as hot and cold drinks, sandwiches and cakes.

“These sales are always hugely popular with the public,” said the charity’s manager manager Bev Dowdy. “And the location so close to the Shambles market means that many people can pop in whilst shopping.”

A dog walk on the Knavesmire last month in aid of Keep Your Pet raised more than £1,500.