POLICE have appealed for help in tracing a missing 48-year-old man.

The man, named only as Scott, was last seen in the Lincoln area on September 20.

Lincolnshire police have now put out a new appeal after enquiries revealed he may have links in York.

Scott is described as 5ft 9ins tall, of a slim build with short grey hair and a tattoo on his arm. He is likely to be wearing glasses.

"If you can help us find him or have any other information that can assist in our enquiries, please contact us," a spokesperson for Lincolnshire police said. 

Anyone with information should  call 101 quoting incident 290 of September 22; email force.control@lincs.police.uk quoting incident 290 ofSeptember 22 in the subject line; or contact independent charity Missing People by calling or texting 116 000 or emailing 116000@missingpeople.org.uk