A WARNING has gone out after a rise in burglaries in three areas of York.

North Yorkshire Police say there has an increase in residential and commercial break-ins mainly in Heworth, Clifton and Osbaldwick but also other areas across York over the last month.

A police spokesman said: "Most have been sneak in burglaries at insecure properties.

"A burglar could be in and out without you even knowing they have been there, unless you lock up.

"Secure valuables such as mobile phones, wallets and purses, car and house keys in a safe place overnight so they can't be seen.

"Please be aware, rumours have been circulating on social media with information about these burglaries. If you have information, it's vital that you call us on 101 to ensure we can verify and act upon this as quickly as possible. We don't monitor all social media.

"Please ensure your doors and windows are closed and locked."

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