EAST Riding of Yorkshire Council has launched a project, which works in the community with residents, local clubs, groups and organisations to expand community resources.

The Active Towns project is aimed at encouraging and supporting communities and residents to be more physically, mentally, and socially active in Pocklington, Market Weighton, Goole and Howden.

Launched as part of the project, Active Towns enables voluntary community groups, charities and individuals to develop strong governance and restart following on from lockdown.

Grants have been awarded already, ranging from £200 for a local community garden project in Pocklington - a space for people who feel isolated or lonely, but there have also been grants of up to £2,000.

In the first round of Active Towns Community Grants, a total of just over £35,000 is to be paid out.

For more information about grant applications, open until September 24, visit: www.activetowns.co.uk