BUSES in York are set to get new routes and times from next month.

Bus company East Yorkshire has announced that from September 5 there will be changes to buses around Pocklington and York.

The Hull-Beverley-Pocklington-York Service X46 will have a new route in York, going via Morrisons and Stonebow into the city centre, to reduce congestion around bus stops in Piccadilly. There are also some extra journeys between Pocklington and Hull.

Times for EastRider Services X46/X47 & 45/46, and villages Service 747, will also change slightly, to help them stay on time.

East Yorkshire will also now be running the shopper Services 195 (Allerthorpe and Melbourne), 196 (Aughton and East Cottingwith) & 199 (Huggate and Burnby), which run a few days a week to help people in the villages get to shops and services in Pocklington or York.

Details of the new timetables can be found at eastyorkshirebuses.co.uk, or by ringing BusLine on 01482 59 29 29.

The company will also be giving out timetables at Pocklington Market on Tuesday, September 7.