UNFORTUNATELY many Universal Credit benefit claimants have now had notice that the £20 uplift given during the pandemic is being withdrawn at the end of September.

The extra money has been a lifeline to many including low income working families helping to pay for rent, utility bills and food. As furlough ends many more breadwinners will face unemployment and have to claim benefits for the first time in their lives.

Unite the Union commissioned the creation of a huge message in the sand on Bridlington's South beach on Wednesday afternoon on as part of an action to highlight the plight of benefit claimants facing extreme hardship as they lose 20 per cent of their benefits, some of the lowest in Europe.

There were Unite Community campaign stalls and information dispelling the myth that UK benefits are too generous and encourages people to live off benefits rather than work.

Coaches brought claimants and their children from within the region. Many children who had never been to the seaside before as their parents could never afford the cost of such a visit.

The sand creation may have appeared to be a frivolous stunt with children’s laughter, sandcastles, and a samba band but despite a carnival atmosphere the message photographed by drones to show on TV news was clear and deadly serious.

The Chancellor must cancel the cuts to benefits or poorer families must again choose between warmth or food this winter.

Gwen Vardigans,

Unite Community York,

Carron Crescent,

