The action taken by Cllr. D’Agorne to ban disabled badge holders from the city centre until 8pm not only affects the badge holders but the rest of their family and friends.

My daughter, the holder of a blue badge, is unable to ferry her young daughters to classes in the city centre, and cannot attend birthday and other celebrations with family at other venues within the restricted area. Yet the only measure offered is dropped kerbs.

Cllr D’Agorne is totally out of touch with those who have a blue badge. The policy is, I am sure, not supported by some Liberal Democrat members of the Executive, but I am sure they are not speaking out for personal reasons.

I would also point out that much of the problem prior to the banning of blue badge holders was the total lack of enforcement by the authorities of drivers ignoring ‘Access Only’ signs. This group caused more problems than badge holders, yet they were allowed to drive through the restricted areas without fear of prosecution.

Officers reasoned that there was no money for enforcement officers, yet it did not seem a problem when private security was employed at all the entry points behind the barriers.

Councillor D’Agorne failed with his experiment in Bishopthorpe Road, failed in Fishergate lane closures, is failing in Lord Mayors Walk, and continues with his blinkered attitude towards those who need to use a vehicle and need access, all to satisfy his political beliefs.

I have sympathy with those who must carry out his purging of disabled residents.

Ian Gillies, Former council leader and Lord Mayor of York,

Upper Poppleton, York

Council is out of touch with its people

Yet again City of York Council is showing that it is totally out of touch with its constituents.

All across the city groups are complaining about road closures, access and - most importantly - access for disabled people. So big is the problem the council is creating that we have disabled people out in the streets trying to make the council understand. Does it? – of course not! The ruling group wants to follow a Party agenda and close York city centre down to all but the fit and cyclists.

The council is spending £10K on dropped kerbs.

Who for, since disabled people will not able to access the city unless they use the council’s preferred methods of transport and completely lose all their independence?

The survey the council is running, which I know has been completed by hundreds, if not thousands, of people, will be ignored if it does not agree with them.

Yet again, it is their way or the highway – to the nearest out of town shopping centre!

Shame on you, CYC.

Judith Morris (Mrs), Moorland Road, York