ARE you noticing empty shelves in your local shop or supermarket in York?

Fast food giant McDonald's is the latest big-name business to announce shortage dues to supply chain problems.

This week the company announced it had run out of milkshakes in all of its UK restaurants and also been left without bottled drinks.

It follows both Nando's and KFC warning of shortages too. Nando’s was last week forced to shut around 50 restaurants amid a chicken shortage. It blamed staffing shortages at suppliers and a reduced number of lorry drivers.

KFC said supply chain issues meant it was unable to stock some menu items.

Some shoppers are reporting empty shelves when they are going shopping - and 'out of stock' notices while online shopping.

Is this happening at your local shop or supermarket in the York area?

If so, please let us know. Tell us where the shop is, what is missing - and take a photo if you can.

Send it to our newsroom via the Send Now link below...