THEY say never work with animals or children - because they can be so unpredictable!

Andrew Molloy found that out when he tried to take a happy snap of his two springer spaniels Daisy and Poppy at the beach.

The setting was perfect - but as he took the photo, cheeky Daisy stuck her tongue out!

Andrew posted the photo on our Press Camera Club Facebook page with the caption: "Photo-bomber Daisy".

The Press Camera Club brings together amateur photographers to share their work, swap tips and take part in monthly prize competitions.

The theme for this month's Camera Club competition in #Secrets

Deadline is August 31.

Membership is open to everyone regardless of their age, experience and equipment. Thanks to the ubiquity of mobile phones nowadays everyone is a photographer!

To join the club, visit - we’d love to see what York looks like through your lens.