EAST Riding of Yorkshire Council has invited residents to take part in free summer activities.

The council’s ‘Active Towns’ projects are encouraging residents of Howden, Pocklington, Market Weighton, and Goole to stay active to benefit their physical and mental wellbeing and be more sociable within their communities.

Part of their initiative includes their bike libraries, which gives residents the chance to try cycling for free by loaning a bike and safety accessories, such as a helmet or high visibility clothing, anywhere from one day up to a whole month, for a maximum of two hours a day, with other activities including croquet, tug of war, and tennis.

On selected days between Thursday this week August 19 and Thursday, September 2, the towns will host these bike libraries at Pocklington rugby club, West Park in Goole, Memorial Play park and Market Hill car park in Market Weighton, and Howden’s Ashes playing field.

To book a bike, please contact R-evolution bike charity on 01482 844422 for more information.