YORK Viking-themed bar Valhalla has revealed plans to double the number of customers it can cater for in its outside area.

The bar, at 4 Patrick Pool, off Newgate Market, is seeking permission from City of York Council to increase capacity for its outside area as well as introduce a cover for the site and heating.

It follows plans for Valhalla to create a bar and restaurant in the upper floors of the building, which have already been approved by the council.

In December 2018, the bar was originally granted permission for an outdoor seating area for four tables and eight chairs from 10.30am to 5pm.

But now the bar owners want to bring more customers into the outside area and extend its opening hours until after midnight.

In a letter to the planning committee, they say the street has changed since the first application was approved - it is now pedestrian only with fixed bollards at both ends and no residents live near the venue.

Their letter states: "The owners of Valhalla purchased flats 3 and 3A which were residential and have had a change of use approved and are currently developing the site for commercial use.

"By changing and improving the initial design of the original tables and chairs we are using the same outdoor space to increase capacity from 10 seated to 20.

York Press: Valhalla in Patrick Pool which wants to increase the number of customers it can seat outsideValhalla in Patrick Pool which wants to increase the number of customers it can seat outside

"With the new layout, the highway remains unobstructed for a distance of two metres from Valhalla's safety barriers to the opposite kerb.

"It should also be noted that the hours of use to this existing area have already been granted and approved through CYC licensing and the police department. We are seeking to vary our existing planning permission to reflect this."

Besides the changes to tables and chairs, the outside area will also have a collapsible awning to protect customers during bad weather. Outside heaters are also to be fitted.

The bar also wishes to keep its outside area open longer - from 10.30am to half past midnight.

To view the latest planning applications, visit: www.york.gov.uk/SearchPlanningApplications

To look at the Valhalla application, reference number 21/01694/FUL , click here.