A TEENAGE girl from York has won the UK National Junior Miss 2021/22 title - which involves fundraising for charity.

Eva-Marie Grant has brought the national crown back to her hometown - after claiming the regional title last summer.

During the competition, Eva has raised over £720 for The Christie charity - which provides enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds.

The teenager's mum, Tina Grant, said: "All of Eva's hard work has paid off. She is so humbled to have won this title and can not wait to see what years rein will bring."

To support the The Christie charity, Eva has organised and hosted several fundraising events throughout the year , including virtual activities during the Covid lockdowns.

With her new national title, Eva will be continuing to shed a light on the stigma surrounding mental health, holding weekly chat shows with her campaign, where she talks to different people about their experiences with mental health problems.

Eva said she would like to say a "massive thank you" too everyone who believed in and supported her through her journey.