A THEATRE is bringing all four corners of the globe to York this month, with an adaptation of the classic novel Around the World in 80 days.

York Theatre Royal creative director Juliet Forster promises a “joyful, very energetic, very silly and highly acrobatic” circus themed adaptation of the Jules Verne story for family viewing.

After delivering the theatre's Travelling Pantomime show over Christmas to 16 of York’s 21 wards, Juliet was inspired by the Covid travel restrictions affecting holiday plans abroad.

She decided to bring the world to York instead, declaring the adaptation as a “perfect opportunity for some armchair tourism or, rather, picnic-blanket tourism”.

The novel tells the story of traveller Phileas Fogg trying to win a bet that he can travel the world in 80 days, although the characters in this adaptation will do so by theatre trailer instead of hot air balloon.

In the show the sides of the trailer are dropped down for the set to be built around.

Juliet said: “Jules Verne’s tale is a lot of fun as the characters race against time to complete a full circuit of the Earth, but now fact and fiction go head to head as real-life investigative journalist Nellie Bly puts in an appearance.

“As one of the characters in the play says: ‘If you can’t travel to exciting parts of the globe this summer, don’t despair, we are here to bring the world to you'.”

Around The World in 80 Days will be staged outdoors on the school fields at Copmanthorpe Primary School, from August 10-12, Archbishop Holgate’s School, August 14-16, and Joseph Rowntree School, August 18-21, ending with shows at York Theatre Royal from August 25-28.

To book a ticket and for further information visit www.yorktheatreroyal.co.uk or call the York Theatre Royal box office on 01904 623568.