YORK has one of the lowest burglary rates in the country, new research shows. 

A total of 104 burglaries took place in the first quarter of 2021, with a burglary crime rate of 53 per 100,000 residents.

With lockdown officially over, Insulation Express is warning homeowners to be careful with oversharing on social media - as this could lead to burglary cases rising across the UK.

Their recent research, revealing the burglary hotspots across the UK with police.uk data, revealed that Sheffield was the city with the most burglary offences in the first quarter of 2021, with 205 burglaries per 100 residents.

Sheffield experienced 286 per cent more burglaries than York.

To help homeowners stay vigilant as they enjoy their freedom, Insulation Express have revealed 6 tips on how to avoid giving burglars a heads up via your social media updates:

1. Blur any identifying details on your celebratory homeownership pictures

Getting the keys to your new home is an exciting milestone in anyone’s life, and we love showing this celebration online. However, be sure to blur any identifying information, such as your house number or name before you press publish.

2. Never announce the dates of your holiday or staycation

As tempting as it is to tell everyone where and when you’re off on your next trip, save that excitement and keep it off social media. This will highlight to any potential burglars exactly when your house will be empty and easier to break into.

3. Avoid ‘checking in’ to venues or locations

Again, this will put a spotlight on the fact that you and your family are not home, making your house an easy target.

4. Save uploading holiday pictures until you’ve returned home

Sharing holiday pictures as they are taken is a fun way to stay connected with friends and let them know how your trip is going - but it can also give any prying eyes with bad intentions an idea to scope out your house whilst you’re away.

5. Untag yourself from friends and family social media updates

Similar to the above, it can be fun to be included in other people’s pictures that they upload online but you still may be inadvertently giving the green light to those back at home that you are out of town and your home is sitting empty.

6. Ensure your social media profiles are on private mode

One of the simplest steps you can take to ensure an extra layer of privacy is to switch all public profiles to private.