A YORK-BASED butchers embarked on another buying spree at Skipton Auction Mart’s monthly prime shows earlier this week.

Knavesmire Butchers owner, Anthony Swales, first judged the prime lambs show, then followed up by claiming his chosen champions, five April-born 42kg Beltex-x-Texel lambs from Todmorden sheep farmer Robert Fielden at £128 per head.

Knavesmire Butchers took home all three prize-winning Continental pens, paying £133 joint top gross for the second prize and reserve champion 42kg Beltex-x lambs from Ellis Bros, the same gross price for the 47kg third prize pen from Stokesley’s Richard Wood. Also among a total of nine pens, or 27 lambs heading to Knavesmire were others from JA Gibson and Son.

Knavesmire was also active in the prime cattle arena, claiming three prize winners in total.

A spokesperson for the butchers said: "While the prize-winning lambs are for immediate sale at the shop, the beef will be fully matured to maximise both taste and texture."