I AM haunted by the story in The Press of the poor little dog who was beaten with a colander and left bloodied, traumatised and in pain while his owners boasted in the pub that there was 'blood everywhere'.

How heartening to see that Max has made a great recovery and has found a loving forever home, thanks to the RSPCA.

This wonderful charity deserves all our support for its work rescuing abused pets and for being the go-to organisation for people reporting animal abuse, which is all too common.

They also monitor the welfare of farm animals, ensuring proper living conditions and humane treatment. I will not knowingly eat meat that does not display the 'RSPCA assured' mark on the label.

Sadly the chain of lockdowns has increased their work as more mistreatment of animals comes to light.

As well as donating to the RSPCA, let us all be alert to any hint of cruelty and not hesitate to report it.

Fiona Crawford,

Heath Moor Drive,

Fulford, York