CITY of York Council is looking for residents to help investigate complaints about councillors.

The local authority is asking for volunteers to serve as 'independent persons' and 'independent members' - roles that see residents help monitor the council's work.

An independent person is a member of the standards committee, which decides whether to investigate complaints against parish or city councillors.

An independent member sits on the audit and governance committee, which looks at the council's finances. Volunteers need financial management experience to apply for this role.

The vacancies have opened after previous volunteers came to the end of their terms in office.

A council spokesperson said: "To plan for the future and provide resilience the current campaign is looking to recruit several people interested in upholding and scrutinising the work of the council."

The roles are unpaid, but travel and expenses will be reimbursed.

The closing date for applications is July 11 and for more information or to apply email or write to Monitoring Officer, City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA.