I so empathise with Janis Wright (The mystery of our disappearing cash, Letters, June 28). Cash is essential for everyone, not just for people who don’t have a card for whatever reason.

On a visit to Exbury Gardens New Forest recently, the café would only accept contactless cards. It was a good job my sister had one as I have a pin only. The reason being, at Naples airport a few years ago I went to pay for perfume with my credit card using the pin. Before tapping in number the the assistant said “You’ve paid Madam”. I spent about £100 so I was furious this could happen so easily. I changed both my contactless cards on returning home.

My son has Down’s and couldn’t possibly cope without cash. I would worry that he might overspend without realising, as his comprehension of money management is limited.

We must keep cash!

Linda Walker, Wheldrake

Cashless payments are part of Covid measures

Perhaps Janis Wright is unaware that retailers are advised to take cashless payments as part of the covid restrictions. It is of no benefit to them - they pay bank charges on every card transaction.

Jim Welsman, Stamford Bridge