It appears the Barbican site squatters have taken legal advice from a firm of barrack room lawyers.

Their site notice would fail GCSE Law and has as much validity as my claim to be the Attorney General.

The people on the site are not occupiers, they are trespassers.

The so called Notice isn’t even dated. The alleged ‘occupiers’ are not identified so it could be Harry the hedgehog and Freddy the fox for all anyone knows.

And as for prosecutions - they don’t seem to realise that is a matter for the police and DPP, not a ragtag band of political activists.

It is possible to pursue a private prosecution but that takes real knowledge and significant financial resources, both of which are manifestly absent at the self-proclaimed Barbican Community Centre - which, by the way, requires planning permission for change of use.

As no consent has been granted for a community centre their very presence is a breach of the Town & Country Planning Acts and therefore unlawful.

Matthew Laverack, Eldon Street, York