Here we are again then: lockdown 3.0 has been extended and the cheery, optimistic collection of psychologists, computer hacks and others that sit on the SAGE committee are already planning for lockdown 4.0 this winter.

Did any of you really believe Boris when he said June 21 was going to be your freedom day? As if he had any moral right to steal it in the first place.

What’s the excuse this time for a lockdown 4.0 over winter? Apparently the risk is that all the traditional respiratory viruses will make a comeback. You know, they’re the ones that we read about in the news every December, with scientists predicting they will cause the NHS to collapse.

Somehow, it never does, and those same scientists either go silent or claim their predictions weren’t actually predictions, just hypothetical models published purely for academic interest.

It’s time everybody woke up and realised the real plague that’s been unleashed on the world is not a Chinese virus, but the wholesale adaptation of Chinese society. We now belong to the state and will do as we are told, yet hardly anybody has uttered a word of protest. Why not?

Dr Scott Marmion, Woodthorpe, York