Peter Rickaby (Letters, May 26) says that following Dominic Cummings’ comment, either Matt Hancock should resign or Cummings will be sued.

Neither will happen, for the simple reason that Cummings spoke under Parliamentary Privilege.

That means he can say whatever he likes with legal immunity. He is granted protection against civil or criminal liability for any statements he made.

These enquiries are a waste of time and money. It is only when we have a formal hearing and people are under oath that we need to take note.

Everything that is said at this hearing should be listened to with a big pinch of salt.

W Maddocks, Osbaldwick, York

Those in power always have ways to avoid culpability

Let’s all be thankful for a ‘free’ press, able to expose the wrongs of those in high places.

However, the public should not become complacent.

Many events over time have suggested people in ‘high places’ are still able to pull strings to avoid culpability.

Peter Rickaby, West Park, Selby