THIS incredible photo reminds us that nature is right on track - and not even a global pandemic can stop the 'snow storm' of dandelion seeds that occur at this time of year.

The photo is by Press Camera Club member Barney Sharratt who posted this poetic caption to his image: "Nature's very own 'Festival of the Dandelion' held without fail in May, each and every year, century after century, pandemic or no pandemic."

Have you been caught in a dandelion snow storm this year? If so, you are not alone!

The Press Camera Club brings together amateur photographers to share their work, swap tips and take part in monthly prize competitions.

Membership is open to everyone regardless of their age, experience and equipment. Thanks to the ubiquity of mobile phones nowadays everyone is a photographer!

To join the club, visit - we’d love to see what York looks like through your lens.

The theme for this month's Camera Club competition in #FavouriteThings.