York’s weekly recorded Covid-19 rate has fallen sharply in the last 24 hours.

In the seven days up to May 3, the number of Covid cases in the city fell by 26, to just 28. The city now has an infection rate of just 13.3 cases per 100,000 of the population, below the UK average.

The vast majority of the city now shows up as white on Gov.UK’s interactive Covid map – indicating that individual wards have fewer than three cases.

Only three wards have more than this: Rawcliffe & Clifton South, which has four; York city centre, which has three; and Fulford Road & Clementhorpe, which also has four.

North Yorkshire had a total of 126 Covid cases in the week up to May 3, giving a rolling infection rate of 20.4.

Selby was still the worst affected district in the county, with 50 cases at a rolling rate of 55.2/ 100,000 population. The district’s infection rate is falling, however.

The East Riding of Yorkshire had 88 cases, at a rolling rate of 25.8.

You can check out how your area is doing by using the Government’s interactive Covid map