This Lib Dem/Green coalition will do or rather not do or say anything no matter how wrong it is just to remain in power being evident in total refusal to back the no confidence motion.

Could Cllr Vassie explain why the tribunal papers stated “victimisation and bullying especially by Keith Aspden”?

Was this just another unsubstantiated attack by Mary Weastell, or mere triviality, as all Lib Dems would like us all to believe, being all entirely political.

Cllr Aspden's admission of being nearly 20 years as a councillor means he would and should have known without doubt the long-standing laid-down rules of propriety in declaring a heavily involved personal interest. So while he shamefully remains in office I fear this will not go away and this will always remain an indelible disgrace on his leadership of York council.

Peter Boulton,

Orchard Gardens,
