If Councillor D’Agorne fully understood the importance of maintaining a transport system he should take on board the lack of maintenance the council is guilty of, which directly causes potholes.

The past poor maintenance of road gullies and the lack of grass verge drainage channel clearing leads to water puddling and subsequently freezing. This causes the pot holes, which have become a mammoth job to repair.

If Councillor D’Agorne needs to see this first hand I would suggest he rides his bike down Moorlands Road in Skelton and outside Moorlands Nature Reserve. This is a road I note which is not on the list for repair or resurfacing, but has been reported many times.

Vehicle owners pay vehicle tax, but the money spent on road repairs and resurfacing is only a fraction of that collected in taxation revenue. Progressive repair and maintenance is always cheaper than replacement!

John Aked, Skelton, York