AN ACADEMY trust, which includes four schools in York, has been placed on the global 'Earth Day' map - after showing commitment to protecting the environment.

The St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Academy Trust, which covers 17 schools in North Yorkshire, is the only academy group in Yorkshire to feature on the worldwide map - which details how the schools will marked Earth Day this year.

Margaret Land, sustainability officer, for the academy trust, said: "Our students are passionate about how their daily actions impact on the environment around them

"Our schools are continuing their commitment to protect the planet by planting trees, litter picking, making bird feeders and helping the wildlife to thrive."

A lineup of speakers, including staff from the University of York, answered questions from the school pupils as part of the virtual event.

Other activities included a live 'Q&A', planting hedges, caring for local wildlife, making bird-friendly zones and dedicated curriculum days.

St Benedict's RC Primary, St. Aelred’s RC Primary, St George's RC Primary and St Wilfrid's Primary schools are included in the trust.

St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Academy Trust is currently applying for Government funding towards the school’s decarbonisation plans and wants to apply for energy efficiency measures, such as insulation and solar PV, for all the trust’s schools.