VOLUNTEERS have uncovered a railway line buried by the River Ouse.

Friends of New Walk and Goodgym teamed up to remove thick deposits of silt that have built up on the narrow gauge tracks every time the river flooded.

Now the railway lines near Millennium Bridge are visible again.

They were used to deliver munitions to the Ordnance Depot at Fulford Barracks.

The explosives and bullets were brought by the schooner Princess from Woolwich Arsenal in London. She sailed up the River Ouse to a wharf on New Walk.

Then they were loaded by a small crane onto the railway to be taken into the depot.

They were used in rifle target practice and field gun training.

It took an evening of work by 12 runners from Goodgym with spades and wheelbarrows to uncover the lines, which have not been visible since the Millennium Bridge more than 20 years ago.