THE other night I listened with complete amazement to Ed Davey, the leader of the LIb Dems, telling the country ‘if you vote for the Lib Dems you are voting for a greener, fairer party'.

I am astounded that this is the message given out when our Lib Dem council has done nothing towards making York greener, in fact they have gone the opposite way and voted to build a multi-storey car park in the middle of a medieval city, thus adding to the pollution and congestion that already exists in York.

They have approved building an eight-storey apartment block on Piccadilly, they approved a hideous bridge to cross over the River Foss behind York Castle Museum, not even giving any thought to the beauty of the area.

I thought the Lib Dems would make a positive impact on York but all they have done is approve buildings which are going to look hideous (Piccadilly and St George’s car park) just to name two and in the meantime we have hotels going up all over the place.

Under the leadership of the Lib Dems, York has deteriorated not improved.

Lynette Mills
