A YORK-BASED charity, which supports homeless young people, has put a call out for volunteers host families.

The SASH charity is looking for members of the public across North and East Yorkshire to become hosts, welcoming local young people at risk of homelessness into their homes - which the charity relies on.

Andrew and Ali, both 54, are SASH hosts based in York who have been hosting for nearly two years. They said: "Sometimes there are challenges but seeing our lodger blossom is amazing. You can’t put a price on it."

The charity lost 56 per cent of hosts it works with over the last year due to health concerns throughout the pandemic.

All young people seeking SASH’s support receive a Police National Computer check, a risk assessment and a Covid health check before being accepted and carefully matched with an available host. Hosts receive payments to cover expenses associated with hosting a young person in their homes.

To find out more about hosting for SASH, visit the website and fill in the form to receive a call back from a host coordinator with more information.