THE North York Moors National Park Authority (NPA) will re-open to the public from Monday.

However, it is reminding all those that choose to visit the area to act responsibly and with consideration for the wildlife and communities who live there.

The NPA is working alongside other bodies, including Forestry England and North Yorkshire Police, to ensure that public safety remains a top priority, alongside the protection of the local environment. There will also be an increased number of National Park Rangers and volunteers at various sites over what is expected to be a busy Easter period.

Tom Hind, chief executive of the North York Moors National Park Authority, said: “We recognise that many people have had limited access to open green spaces over the last few months, and that adhering to the ‘Stay at Home’ guidance has not always been easy on physical and mental health. Spring has now arrived and lockdown is easing, but it is essential that our eagerness to return to more relaxed times does not lead to harm, either to other people or to the countryside.”

“We ask everyone to act responsibly and stay safe. Please continue to think carefully about your journeys and interactions, making sure you follow both national advice and local visitor information. Overcrowded beauty spots not only increase the likelihood of Covid-19 transmission, but are in themselves harmful to the environment and more likely to result in issues such as congestion and litter.”