A LEADING advocate for social care in North Yorkshire said the first anniversary of the Covid-19 lockdown would be a fitting time for reform of the sector.

Mike Padgham chairs the Independent Care Group which is calling for an overhaul of how social care is planned; for NHS care and social care to be merged; extra funding for social care; dementia to be treated like other high priority illnesses, like cancer; and social care businesses to be zero-rated for VAT.

“As we mark the start of the Covid-19 lockdown, we remember those who sadly have been lost," he said.

"I think of the near 32,000 who have been lost in care settings and the valiant efforts of those working in social care to save and protect lives whilst feeling helpless.

“At my own care group, we have cared for over 100 discharged Covid-19 patients.

“One and a half million heroic social care workers have put their lives on the line during Covid-19; it is time they got the recognition they deserve.

"To begin with it would be nice if the Government could give all carers in England a bonus, like the £500 administrations have given to carers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

"And it is time we put social care at the front of the queue and serve the millions of frail and vulnerable people with the care they need and deserve, in a civilised country."

He added: “Reform is long overdue; the Prime Minister has repeatedly promised it and it is time to deliver. Unless we get more funding into the sector to support care, ease the staffing shortages and improve the terms and conditions of the staff providing amazing care, the sector will continue to be extremely fragile, as it was when Covid-19 struck last year."