IS there a photo that sums up our year in lockdowns?

That is the question we posed to Camera Club members in our photo challenge under the hashtag #lockdown365.

As we approach the first anniversary of the first lockdown on Tuesday next week we are sharing some of those images with readers today.

Lynette Mills posted a photo of a loaf of bread - many of us took up breadmaking in lockdown. In fact, bread flour was one of the staples that disappeared from shelves at the start of lockdown last March. Luckily, one year on, stockpiling looks like a thing from the past.

Sarah Gabbatiss took a photo of her daughter Lilian at a deserted Monks Cross during lockdown. As non-essential shops have closed during lockdown many retailers have furloughed staff, closed doors and switched to online only service.

York city centre was eerily quiet too. Jacqui Lowe took a photo of Shambles in York during lockdown - normally jam-packed with tourists; not any more.

Daily walks have become part of our new routines - Mike Esders captured this stunning photo of Strensall Common during lockdown.

Camera Club member Philip Chalk enjoyed the empty riverside first thing in the morning and took this incredible photo of Millennium Bridge at sunrise. He said: "Lockdown gives you the chance to explore nearer to home, even if it was very cold."

Hannah Stockdale offered an arty take on lockdown, observing "lockdown is making us all look at life from a different perspective".

The Press Camera Club brings together amateur photographers to share their work, swap tips and take part in monthly prize competitions.

Membership is open to everyone regardless of their age, experience and equipment.

To join the club, visit - we’d love to see what York looks like through your lens.

And look out for The Press on Tuesday when we will be printing our special supplement looking back at a year in lockdown.