A YORK-based health supplement company which enjoyed a surge in sales during the pandemic has further expanded its range.

Sweet Cures has launched an all-new range of probiotics including up to 17 live strains of bacteria, backed by clinical studies, following the renewed focus on health and wellbeing in 2020.

The company which manufactures and sells natural health supplements is building on the success of its Sweet Cures Probiotic Blend Capsules. In collaboration with market leader DuPont, the new UniBac range contains friendly gut bacteria that are clinically proven to support a healthy immune system.

Dave Smith, design and marketing director at Sweet Cures, said: “We’re delighted to launch our new UniBac probiotic range. All strains of bacteria used in our UniBac products are backed by clinical studies which prove their effectiveness.“This is important to us and our customers. Sweet Cures is a company that prides itself in providing the purest natural health food supplements available, made at the right dosage with no unwanted additives.”

BANT registered nutritionist Serena Coan, said: “Prioritising our personal health and wellbeing is so important right now, and a healthy gut is key to almost all aspects of this, including the gastrointestinal tract, immune system, urogenital tract and even your mental health.

“An attractive aspect of the UniBac range is the variety of live bacteria in the products, akin to the natural diversity of our gut microbiome, making it ideal for daily support.

“The abundance of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains are promising for supporting mental health."