THE Great Yorkshire Show is set to go ahead this summer - providing Covid restrictions have been lifted as intended under the Government's 'roadmap.'

The Yorkshire Agricultural Society (YAS), which organises England’s premier showcase of farming, food and the countryside at the Great Yorkshire Showground in Harrogate, said it was planning for a 2021 show to be held from Tuesday July13 to Thursday July 15.

Honorary show director Charles Mills said the plans would have to be reviewed regularly and were based on the assumption that the whole country would successfully move from the current lockdown to step 4 in the Government’s roadmap on June 21.

“We will only go ahead with the show if we can do so safely for all concerned," he said.

A spokesperson said the show's organisers were exploring what the programme could safely include, and further details, including ticket sales, would be announced in due course on the show’s website, on social media and via the media.

They said that last year’s show was cancelled in full for the first time since the Foot and Mouth outbreak in 2001, and the event went virtual, offering behind the scenes tours of farms, workshops and with food producers, attracting viewers from more than 40 different countries.