Boris Johnson’s ‘slow march to freedom’ statement about lifting Covid-19 restrictions in part defies logic.

From March 8 it’s OK for two people from different households to meet in a park, sit on a bench and enjoy a coffee, breathing in fresh air.

Yet it is illegal for the same two persons, each carrying a set of golf clubs, to meet on a golf course, engage in exercise, and breathe in the same fresh air, constantly more than two metres apart.

Peter Rickaby, West Park, Selby, North Yorkshire

Hindsight about PPE is a fine thing, Sir Keir

Going back to last spring when there was a worldwide mad scramble for supplies of PPE, do you think that those on the frontline fighting Covid cared a jot whether the government was late publicising the contracts agreed for new supplies? Memories are short about the grave concerns felt then over whether we could adequately protect those at most risk.

The attempts by Captain Hindsight Keir Starmer’s Labour Party to make political capital on this issue will further distance them from the general public. Shame on these chancers.

Geoff Robb, Hunters Close, Dunnington