TWO best friends are taking on a 100-mile bike ride challenge to support a horse riding school near York which is close to their hearts.

Ava Garnett, 12 and Connie Durrant, 14, are spending this half-term cycling 100 miles each to help with the fundraising efforts for Lacy's Cottage Riding School.

The riding school managed to keep all of their 34 horses fed and well cared for through the first and second lockdowns, but the third is seeming to be a lot harder and tougher, and runs the risk of them not being able to reopen once it has ended.

The riding school has provided a lot of joy and fun for Connie and Ava over the last three years.

Connie has struggled with her mental health from the age of 11. Her anxiety became so debilitating that it stopped her from attending school for over a year.

Felicity Durrant, Connie's mum, said: "Lacy’s Cottage was instrumental in her treatment and it not only helped Connie but Ava too, to grow in confidence, as well as overcome their anxieties.

"Without this riding school, I really don’t know how our daughter’s would of coped with the last year.

"They would be absolutely devastated if it closed, as well as 100’s of other children and families in the York area."

The Government grants only covered a fraction of what it costs to look after the horses, and with it also being winter, which has brought the tremendous cold weather, and flooded fields it is causing difficulties for the school.

The pair have raised over £1,000 so far, with both online donations and sponsorship forms.

Felicity went on to say: "It really helped Connie and Ava to get through 2020 when schools closed.

"We are so proud of them."

To support their efforts, visit: