YOU might be forgiven for thinking that the Covid-19 restrictions and lockdown have driven the New Earswick Primary School teachers around the bend. But you would be wrong.

Teacher Jamie Cutler has produced a light-hearted video to bring the smiles to people’s faces in these hard, unprecedented times, based on DJ Jazzy Jeff’s ‘Fresh Prince of Bel Air’.

Having already received more than 8,000 hits on the school’s Twitter and Facebook accounts, Jamie, who has been known to take to the stage with a microphone, said: “I can’t remember how the idea came about but rewrote the lyrics and it’s proved very popular.

“The kids really loved it and it has given them a boost.

“About 50 per cent of the school’s pupils are home-schooling at the moment, so anything to help them get through these hard times is worth it. There have been a lot of views and people have left some very nice comments.

“There have also been people asking what the next production is going to be but I honestly don’t know.

“Never say never, but I think it would be a good shout if I did.”

And the staff’s exploits have received huge praise from headteacher Angela Oswald, who said: “I am extremely proud of the New Earswick team. Every member of staff is going the extra mile without being asked to!

“Workload and wellbeing is high on our priority list so that our staff can give the children 100 per cent every day.

“As you can see from the video, the staff are taking the challenges of lockdown in their stride.

“On day one of lockdown the staff hand-delivered home learning packs to every child and by day three, every child was able to access online home learning with the school, supported by Pathfinder Multi-Academy Trust, loaning over 45 devices to pupils,” she added.

“Pupils in Year 3 to Year 6 also have live lessons with their teachers daily and everyone has a daily check in with their teacher.

“Parent feedback has been brilliant and reflects the quality of what the school is offering.

“But the school hasn’t stopped there, with more than 80 key worker and vulnerable children in school each week aged two-11 and more than 120 engaged online. The team has been busy with phone check-ins, food and gift parcels and home visits.”

The school, which was judged to be Inadequate by Ofsted in 2017, is now sponsored by Pathfinder Multi Academy Trust and has over the past three years, had many successes.

Recently, the school worked with Joseph Rowntree Trust to create a new preschool ‘Smarties’ for children aged 2-4 and with a Children’s Centre, Nursery and Reception Class on site, it is perfectly set to continue to grow and succeed.

Places at the school are available and enquires can be made at the school office or by email to

Follow the school’s journey on Facebook, Twitter @NewEarswickPS and Instagram: enabling_environments