"THERE are no sunlit uplands anywhere to be seen, just heartache" writes Chris Mitchell about Brexit (The Press, Letters, February 11).

There is plenty of heartache. Britain's exports through British ports to the EU fell by 68 per cent in the first month since Brexit according to the Road Haulage Association.

Not surprising, it takes 71 pages of paperwork to export one lorry of fish! Latest figures say Brexit will cost the UK economy more than £40 billion in lost economic output over the next two years!

Amsterdam ousted London as the largest financial trading centre in Europe last month due to new Brexit finance rules.

Large increases in red tape and costs make it unlikely any but the richest musicians will be able to work touring Europe.

Still, government seems to be finally recognising businesses are better off in the EU as advisors working for the Department of International trade are telling British businesses, overwhelmed by costs and red tape, to relocate operations to the EU!

So, no sunlit uplands. Why have we put ourselves through all the heartache?

Mary Kendall

