A GROUP of animal-loving York locals calling themselves ‘Team Badly Drawn Pets’, are re-uniting to pick up their pencils to raise money for an animal charity.

Tina Abbott, Jane Lund and Kerry Smith are re-launching their fundraiser called ‘Badly Drawn Pets’ on the Keep Your Pet Facebook page, inviting all pet owners to donate £10 to charity and email a photograph of their pet.

In return, they will receive a personal pet portrait created by one of the volunteer artists.

Tina said: "We have a team of amazing artists just waiting to dust off their easels and pencil boxes, ready to immortalise your pets.

"The only promise we can make about the portraits is that they are unique."

There may be a few exceptions to the Badly Drawn Pet theme though as a handful of genuine artists have also volunteered their time to help, which means that there will be a few 'hidden gems'.

After a successful campaign last year, which raised £8,000 for York RSPCA, they are now supporting York-based Keep Your Pet (KYP).

KYP is a collaboration between York RSPCA and Age UK. It aims to help older and vulnerable people keep their animal companions, by looking after pets when their owners are taken ill or have a hospital stay, or walking them and helping with feeding & vet visits when a pet owner needs help with these.