Learning at The Mount School York continues beyond the classroom, even in virtual times!

Mount girls have plenty of opportunities to improve their personal development, learn new skills, challenge themselves, build confidence and have fun through the many co-curricular opportunities on offer.

An interesting feature of The Mount’s activities is how many of them are student-led. 

"Girls have the option to establish clubs and societies when there is something that interests them which is not already featured in our busy programme,” says Jo Atkinson, who co-ordinates The Mount’s busy programme of senior school activities.

 “We have many gifted dancers at The Mount. In school they take part in dance clubs, performances and running their own dance classes. During lockdown a Sixth Form student has been running an online dance for the younger girls. It was very popular and a perfect way to relax after virtual lessons. These initiatives stand out on a C.V and show future employers and university admissions tutors how a girl can lead,” said Jo. 

York Press:

“We are part of a small but diverse community. There are hundreds of opportunities to make a change and start something: new clubs launch whole school challenges, in groups or on your own. Yes, you go to school to learn, but why not impact a community you spend so much time in as positively as you can,” said Caroline a former pupil who founded the school’s Engineering Society and went on to study engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

The Mount believes activities are crucial to help young girls discover what interests them and so a variety of ever-changing opportunities are available. The Mount’s activities cover a broad spectrum: extra-curricular interests (including STEM Club, music ensembles or sports teams); curriculum support drop-in sessions; broadening horizons (including PeaceJam, Model United Nations or Politics Society); career-influencing (including Life Drawing, Coding Club, the Medical Society); and Life skills (including Debating Club, Baking Club, or Lifesaving). 

“In our own ways, we’ve all been able to find our thing at The Mount, however niche or unusual,” said Celia, who joined the School in Year 7. 

The national lockdown has not stopped extra-curricular initiatives from taking place and staff at The Mount have been working hard to bring the activities to life in the girl's homes. From HIIT (High intensity interval training) sessions led by the PE department to online instrumental music lessons and photography competitions to the Junior School Gizmo Club setting weekly challenges, such as seeing how high a structure they can build using only paper. Mount girls of all ages have been kept busy and active. 

Like many children across the UK, Mount pupils are excited at the prospect of returning to School. 

The extensive school grounds and facilities provide opportunities for activities, outdoor learning and plenty of fun. 

Extra-curricular activities utilise the school grounds and local area. Excellent facilities and specialist teaching allow The Mount to offer a wide range of activities on-site from Reception to Sixth Form, including swimming, forest school, gymnastics, coding, dance, pottery, netball, baking, tennis and athletics. 

To find out more about The Mount School York and upcoming open events visit:mountschoolyork.co.uk