HERE is a list of proposals to change parking, stopping and waiting arrangements for vehicles in York from the city council.

The proposals affect the following areas of the city...

1. Re-defining ‘Residents’ Priority’ parking area thereby bringing within the R39A zone all residential properties on Beaufort Close, Bishops Way, Brentwood Crescent, Crossways, Deramore Drive West, Eastfield Court, Eastfield Crescent, Fernway, Kimberlow Wood Hill, Quant Mews, Sails Drive, Sussex Close, Sussex Road Vanburgh Drive and the residential properties numbered 1 and 2 Field Lane, 1-63 (odd) and Mill House Windmill Lane, 1-51 (odd) and 2-46 (even) Yarburgh Way, thereby providing unlimited parking for all household permits of Residents’ Priority Permit Holders in unrestricted lengths of Beaufort Close, Bishops Way, Brentwood Crescent, Crossways, Deramore Drive West, Eastfield Court, Eastfield Crescent, Fernway, Kimberlow Wood Hill, Quant Mews, Sails Drive, Sussex Close, Sussex Road Vanburgh Drive, Windmill Lane and Yarburgh Way, the said lengths being identifiable by the placement of upright traffic signs at the Area ‘entry’ and ‘exit’ points (as opposed to the placement of Residents’ Parking signs and road markings adjacent to the kerb).

2. Introducing a Residents’ Priority Parking Zone (Zone) to allow for household permits to be issued for the Residents Priority Parking to residential properties on Barstow Avenue, Garrow Hill Avenue, Lamel Street, Newland Park Close, Newland Park Drive, Norman Street, Siward Street, and the residential properties numbered 2-8 (even) and 3-9 (odd) Cycle Street, 1-29 (odd) and Eglesfield, Green Dykes Lane, 32-148 (even) Hull Road, 2-114 (even) and 65-181 (odd) Thief Lane, York the said Zone to be identified as Zone 39B, that Zone to include all properties adjacent to and having direct private access to the said roads.

3. Designating those existing unrestricted lengths of publicly maintainable highway on Barstow Avenue, Cycle Street, Garrow Hill Avenue, Lamel Street, Newland Park Close, Newland Park Drive, Norman Street, Siward Street and Thief Lane between its junctions with Green Dykes Lane and Hull Road, York within the proposed Zone described in paragraph 2 as a Residents’ Priority Parking Zone for use only by Zone R39B ‘Permit Holders’ thereby providing unlimited parking for Permit Holders, the said lengths being identifiable by the placement of upright traffic signs at the Area ‘entry’ and ‘exit’ points (as opposed to the placement of Residents’ Parking signs and road markings adjacent to the kerb).

4. Introducing ‘Residents’ Priority’ parking bays providing unlimited parking for R39B Household Permit Holders, as follows:

(i) Green Dykes Lane on its east side, between a point 100 metres south from the highway boundary line on the south side of Hull Road and a point 23 metres south from the projected centreline of Kexby Avenue;

(ii) Hull Road, on its south side between a point 2 metres west from the projected western property boundary line of No 50 Hull Road and a point 50 metres west from the projected centreline of Garrow Hill Avenue;

(iii) Hull Road, on its south side between a point 18 metres east from the projected centreline of Garrow Hill Avenue and a point 10 metres west from the projected centreline of Siward Street;

(iv) Hull Road, on its south side between a point 10 metres east from the projected centreline of Siward Street and a point 7 metres west from the projected western kerbline of the Supermarket access road;

(v) Hull Road, on its south side between a point 10 metres west from the projected centreline of Cycle Street and the projected eastern property boundary line of No. 146 Hull Road.

5. Introducing a Residents’ Priority Parking Zone (Zone) to allow for household permits to be issued for the Residents Priority Parking to residential properties on Devon Place, Kexby Avenue, and the residential properties numbered 4-24 (even) Green Dykes Lane, and 13-57 (odd) Thief Lane, York the said Zone to be identified as Zone 21A, that Zone to include all properties adjacent to and having direct private access to the said roads.

6. Designating those existing unrestricted lengths of Devon Place and Kexby Avenue, York within the proposed Zone described in paragraph 5 as a Residents’ Priority Parking Zone for use only by Zone R21A ‘Permit Holders’ thereby providing unlimited parking for Household Permit Holders, the said lengths being identifiable by the placement of upright traffic signs at the Area ‘entry’ and ‘exit’ points (as opposed to the placement of Residents’ Parking signs and road markings adjacent to the kerb).

7. Introducing ‘Residents’ Priority’ parking bays providing unlimited parking for R21A Household Permit Holders, as follows:

(i) Green Dykes Lane on its west side, between a point 100 metres south from the highway boundary line on the south side of Hull Road and a point 23 metres south from the projected centreline of Kexby Avenue;

(ii) Thief Lane, on its north side between a point 21 metres east from the projected eastern kerb line of Kexby Avenue and a point 8 metres west from the projected western property boundary line of No. 4 Thief Lane.

8. Introducing a Monday-Sunday Parking Places, providing a limited parking period of 120 minutes with a 60 minutes ‘No Return’ period on Yarburgh Way, on its north between a points 1 metre west and 71 metres east of the projected centreline of Vanburgh Dive.

9. Introducing ‘No Waiting at any Time’ restrictions in York, as follows:

a) Albemarle Road, on its:

(i) east side, between points 66 metres and 82 metres north from the projected centreline of Philadelphia Terrace;

(ii) east side, between points 105 metres north from the projected centreline of Philadelphia Terrace and 81m south of the projected southern kerbline of Telford Terrace;

b) Balmoral Terrace, on both sides from a point 7 metres east of the projected centreline of Trafalgar Street to a point 12 metres west of said line.

c) Balmoral Terrace, on both sides, between the projected centreline of Count de Burgh Terrace and a point 12 metres east of the said line.

10. Introducing ‘No Waiting between 08:00 and 11:00 every day’ restrictions in York on Bishopthorpe Road, on its west side, between points 192 metres and 254 metres south from the projected centreline of St Chad’s Wharf.

11. Introducing ‘No Waiting between 15:00 and 18:00 every day’ restrictions in York on Bishopthorpe Road, on its east side, between points 198 metres and 235 metres south from the projected centreline of St Chad’s Wharf. Thereby revoking the existing ‘No Waiting at any Time’ restrictions from with that length.

12. Revoking ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions in Albemarle Road, York, on its west side, between points 66 metres and 138 metres north from the projected centreline of Philadelphia Terrace

13. Re-defining ‘Residents’ Priority’ parking area thereby bringing within the R58 zone all properties on Balmoral Terrace, Coggan Close, Croft Mews, Philadelphia Terrace, Rectory Gardens, St Chad’s Wharf and the properties numbered 15 to 129 (evens only) and 36 to 54 (odds only) Albemarle Road, 105 to 211 (odds only) and 276 to 290 (evens only) Bishopthorpe Road thereby providing unlimited parking for all classes of Permit Holders in unrestricted lengths of

a) Albemarle Road between the respective northern property boundary lines of no.’s 15 and 71 Albemarle Road,

b) Balmoral Terrace between its junctions Montague Street and Trafalgar Street

c) Bishopthorpe Road between the respective northern property boundary lines of no.’s 106 and 220 Bishopthorpe Road,

d) Philadelphia Terrace,

e) Rectory Gardens.

The said lengths being identifiable by the placement of upright traffic signs at the Area ‘entry’ and ‘exit’ points (as opposed to the placement of Residents’ Parking signs and road markings adjacent to the kerb).

14. Introducing 24 hour Monday-Sunday Residents Parking Places, providing unlimited parking for all classes of permit holders and a limited parking period for none permit holders of 60 minutes with a 60 minutes ‘No Return’ period, in York, as follows;

a) Balmoral Terrace, on both sides, between a point 12 metres west of the projected centreline of Trafalgar Street and a point 12 metres east of the projected centreline of Count De Burgh Terrace;

b) Balmoral Terrace, on its north side, between the respective projected south eastern property boundary lines of No.’s 1 and 20 Balmoral Terrace;

c) Balmoral Terrace, on its south side, between a point 15 metres west from the projected western kerbline of Bishopthorpe Road and a point 20 metres east from the projected eastern kerbline of Montague Street;

d) Bishopthorpe Road, on its west side, between a point 30 metres south of the projected centreline of Campleshon Road and a point 46 metres south of projected centreline of St. Chad’s Wharf.

15. Introducing 24 hour Monday-Sunday Residents Parking Places, providing unlimited parking for all classes of permit holders and a limited parking period for none permit holders of 10 minutes with a 10 minutes ‘No Return’ period, in Bishopthorpe Road, York, as follows;

a) on its west side, between a point 15 metres south of the projected southern kerbline of Balmoral Terrace and a point 23.5 metres north of the projected centreline of the Campleshon Road;

b) on its east side, from a point 26 metres south of the projected northern kerbline of Balmoral Terrace and a point 35 metres north from the projected centreline of Reginald Grove.

16. Introducing 24 hour Monday-Sunday Residents Parking Places, providing unlimited parking for all classes of permit holders and a Pay and Display parking place between 09:00 and 18:00 Monday-Sunday in Bishopthorpe Road, York, on its west side, between a point 26 metres south of the projected northern kerbline of Nunthorpe Drive and a point 7 metres north of the projected centreline of the access road to The Winning Post public house.

A copy of the draft Orders, Statement of Reasons for making it and relevant maps can be inspected at the Reception, West Offices, Station Rise, York, during normal business hours. Objections or other representations, specifying reasons for the objection or representation, should be sent to me in writing to arrive no later than March 5, 2021.

Director of Economy and Place

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

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