A NEW website has been launched to help anyone in York or North Yorkshire who has experienced sexual violence, and also to assist people who are supporting them.

The site contains information about the support available as well as advice and guidance to assist people in making informed choices following sexual assault or abuse.

It has been launched by the domestic abuse charity DAS, to mark sexual violence awareness week.

Regional manager Evie Duarte said the website was a 'fantastic resource' for anyone affected by sexual violence and for people supporting someone who has experienced it.

She said Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs), employed by IDAS, offered emotional and practical support, which might include support through the criminal justice system if people chose to report to the police, counselling, housing, sexual and physical health services.

"ISVAs can also advocate for victims and survivors, outlining the options and assisting with the communication between the many different agencies and organisations."

The website can be found at http://sexualviolence.idas.org.uk/about-sexual-violence-and-abuse/