PLANS to build a large hotel and restaurant on the former Carpetright store site on the corner between Layerthorpe and Foss Islands Road are set to be approved today.

The scheme for a four storey 188-bedroom Premier Inn will go ahead, if councillors follow the planning team’s recommendations.

The site - which is around 70 metres outside the city walls - used to be home to the remains of St Mary’s Church and graveyard. Human remains were found at the site when the current building was constructed in 1986.

The land has also been used for businesses including a confectionery manufacturer, a laundry, a printers and a motor paint sprayers, according to planning reports.

The current hotel plans would see the former Carpetright building demolished.

Historic England has said it does not object to the scheme - but is not keen on the design of the new hotel.

The council’s design team has similar concerns, saying it is not against the plans but is worried about the size of the new building and missed opportunities for putting a number of different developments on the site.

But the planning team has recommended the plans are approved, saying: “Although close to the city wall, the application site is separated from it by a large and busy road junction.

“There are views from the city wall to the application site, but these are largely views into a commercial and shopping complex and the views from the application site towards the Conservation Area are dominated by the same large, busy road junction.”

They conclude that there is demand for hotel rooms in the city and the development will not harm any landmarks, saying: “The proposed redevelopment of the application site for a hotel with associated bar/restaurant is considered to be acceptable in principle given the city centre use and fits with the aspirations for economic growth ... by facilitating a sector where there is growth and evidentially demand. The scheme is appropriate for the site; the design is acceptable and relates to the context.” The meeting is at 4.30pm at