So, so sad to hear of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. He was an inspiration to all of us in these dreadful times.

Unfortunately this hero may not receive the funeral that he deserves. My only hope is that when these horrible times are gone, he will have a memorial service in his honour, with full honours for his services.

RIP Sir Tom.

M Horsman, Moorland Road, York


Thank you for lifting our spirits, Captain Tom

What very sad news regarding the death of one of the heroes of the coronavirus outbreak - Captain Sir Tom Moore.

He was a true gentleman who lifted the spirit of the country during the last year; an unassuming man who the country took to heart and who lightened our days during the coronavirus epidemic. He will be remembered in years to come for his integrity and good humour, and for his fantastic achievement in raising money for the NHS.

His death, however, reminded me of the death of my father, Leonard, who died at the same time as Princess Diana. I was sitting with my mother Gladys watching the public response and outbursts of emotion at Diana’s funeral. My mother said:‘You would think she’s the only person who ever died’.

As sad as Captain Sir Tom’s death is, we should also think of the 100,000-plus people whose relatives and friends are mourning their loved ones.

RIP Captain Sir Tom - and all the other casualties of this terrible virus.

DM Deamer, Penleys Grove Street, Monkgate